Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What am I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What am I - Essay Example This means that an individual is what he thinks of himself and what others think of them. For example: if an individual’s mind think that he/she is a good student then an individual will exhibit characteristics that are the characteristics of a good student. These characteristics include studying hard, acting in a disciplined manner in school and class and involving oneself in class activities. These behaviors will result in better grades for the student and will place a positive picture of the student in the minds of the classmates as well as teachers and in turn this will become his/her identity. Individuals need to ensure that there is congruence between what they think they are and what others think they are. In order to attain this congruence they need to change and modify their behaviors according to what they want to be or what their mind tells them to do. In short the answer to the question of What I am is that I am what is want to

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